prenatal physiotherapy in London Ontario, prenatal physiotherapy treatments, physiotherapy while pregnant

pelvic floor physiotherapy

We understand that pelvic conditions can be very disturbing and can interfere with many aspects of your daily life.  Because these conditions are not openly talked about, you might feel alone and that nothing can be done.  You may have even been told that what you’re struggling with is “normal” after having a baby, surgery or with age.  We want you to know that something can be done and that you don’t have to do this alone!  We have a team of highly skilled, compassionate and experienced therapists who can help you on your journey towards feeling healthy and whole again.

We welcome individuals of all ages, life stages, all genders and sexual orientations. Please note important booking information below.

pelvic floor physiotherapy in London Ontario, pelvic health physiotherapy while pregnant, pelvic floor therapy while pregnant

booking your physiotherapy appointments

initial assessments (60 minutes)

for your first time seeing a physiotherapist or if it has been at least 1 year since your last visit

45 minute follow up

for new complaints, first postpartum follow up, or if an extended follow up was recommended by your physiotherapist

30 minute follow up

if you are currently under active care

pelvic physiotherapy and pregnancy

Contrary to popular messaging, you don’t need to live with incontinence, pelvic pain and low back pain as a side effect of motherhood. We recommend every pregnant person visit a Pelvic Health Physiotherapist before their baby is born – ideally between weeks 28-32 to start, but it’s never too late. Pelvic Health Physiotherapy can help you enjoy a healthy pregnancy and play an essential role in helping you have a better birth experience.

pelvic physiotherapy for postpartum

We believe Pelvic Health Physiotherapy is absolutely essential after doing the hard work of growing and birthing a baby (or babies). When moving through the busy days of motherhood, you need and deserve to feel strong, confident, and whole in your body.

In the postpartum period physiotherapy can help reduce vaginal or cesarean section scar tissue and pain, correct any issues with incontinence or prolapse, and functionally correct the core to prepare you for return to physical activity.  Remember that Kegel exercises for the pelvic floor are not one size fits all and that returning to physical fitness without proper core-coordination can put you at risk of developing diastasis recti or incontinence in the months following delivery.

pelvic physiotherapy can be beneficial for:

Episiotomy and tearing complaints

Pain during or after postpartum sexual intercourse

Diastasis Rectus Abdominus

Incontinence and bladder control issues

Low back pain

Pelvic pain and discomfort

Hip Pain

Pain turning over in bed

Abdominal pain

Caesarean section (c-section) scarring

frequently asked questions

  • Prenatal/Postnatal Dysfunction

    Urinary incontinence

    Pelvic organ prolapse

    Diastasic rectus abdominus (abdominal “separation”)

    Pubic symphysis dysfunction

    Sciatica, low back pain

    Rib pain


    Preparation for birth

    Guidance for return to exercise postpartum (yes, even including high levels of activity/sport like running, CrossFit and HIIT)

    Cesarean birth recovery

    Pelvic floor strengthening

    Pelvic Pain


    Sacroiliac joint pain

    Groin pain

    Pain in the perineum

    Sexual pain and dysfunction

    Painful intercourse



  • At your first visit, one of our physiotherapists will meet with you for about an hour. We listen to your story - What have you been struggling with? How do you get there? How is your condition impacting your life, your mood, your relationships? From here, we take a whole-body approach to the assessment and treatment of your condition. To get the clearest picture of how things are functioning, an internal vaginal and/or rectal exam may be suggested. This allows us to more specifically assess the strength, tone, endurance and coordination of things like the pelvic floor muscles. Please note that we NEVER carry out any assessment or treatment techniques without your consent. Our therapists are experienced and knowledgable professionals who can set you up with an effective treatment plan even if you choose not to participate in an internal exam. Please note that if you and your physiotherapist determine that an internal examination is warranted, this will not be completed until after your 6-week postpartum check up.

    The first session will finish off with treatment. This may include a combination of education, manual therapy techniques, stretching, strengthening exercises, activity modification, acupuncture or other therapeutic modalities.

  • Follow-up appointments are booked for 30, 45 or 60 minutes based on need. When booking online, book an initial assessment, and two more follow-ups of 45 minute length 2 weeks after your initial, and space them 2 weeks apart. Our Physiotherapists are in demand and we want to be sure you have the treatments you need. These follow-ups can be cancelled without charge if they are not needed. Our Physiotherapists are in demand.

  • If you have any symptoms at all, we recommend you schedule an appointment as soon as possible.. Symptoms can include but are not limited to getting up to pee more than 3 times a night, pain during intercourse, diastasis, or any type of leaking.

    If you have no symptoms, we recommend your first prenatal appointment be scheduled sometime between weeks 28-32. It will help establish a baseline for where your pelvic floor is at, get treatment for any issues thought to be normal (very common), and get started with birth prep.

  • Generally, we recommend waiting about 6 weeks after your birth – no matter how you birthed your baby – to come in for your postnatal assessment. Don’t worry if it’s been longer. We are happy to see you at any time, even if your children are older and off to college. It’s never too late to start.

  • No, you don’t have to. As pelvic health physiotherapists, this does not phase us nor does it affect our ability to carry out our treatment plan, we can still do internal treatment if needed. If you aren’t comfortable with the internal work while you have your period, that’s ok too. You should still come in. There are other ways we can still work on moving forward with your treatment plan.

  • Absolutely. Our Physiotherapists offer a 15-minute complimentary video consult to answer any and all questions and create as much comfort with the process as possible.

  • Although we love all the momma’s that walk through our doors, we also treat “life-experienced” women for post-op hysterectomy care, peri-menopausal symptoms, pelvic organ prolapse and bladder dysfunction. Fathers and Men, we love you too. We treat erectile dysfunction, painful ejaculation, penile/testicular pain, hernias, persistent low back or hip pain that hasn’t responded to other forms of therapy

  • Yes.

  • Initial Physiotherapy Pelvic Health Assessment (60 minutes) - $150

    Follow-up (60 minutes)- $150

    Follow-up (45 minutes) - $115

    Follow-up (30 minutes) - $80

    Postpartum Assessment (book in as a 45 minute follow up) - $120

kind words