postnatal / postpartum care
The “postnatal” period refers to all issues pertaining to the mother and baby after birth. The postnatal period begins immediately after the birth of the baby and extends up to six weeks (42 days) after birth. The delayed postpartum period lasts up to 6 months.
Acupuncture can help balance hormones for milk production, improve mood, and reduce stress. It can alleviate pain from after childbirth, aid healing by promoting blood circulation (Qi/energy), boost energy levels, reduce anxiety, and more.
a form of medicine done through manipulation of the musculoskeletal system to promote self-healing.
our counselling services can help you feel less alone, offer you relief, and a renewed sense of hope that things will get better.
naturopathic medicine
a system of health care that merges evidence-based traditional therapies with modern medicine.
pelvic health physiotherapy
a specialize physiotherapy treatment designed to relieve pelvic and lower back pain as a result of pregnancy and birth.
lactation + infant feeding
although breastfeeding is natural, it's not always easy. Mastering the art of breastfeeding takes time, patience, and the right support.
registered massage therapy
a professional massage therapy treatment to encourage stress and pain relief, relaxation, improved circulation and healing.
osteopathic manual therapy
a gentle, non-invasive, hands-on therapy that focuses on re-aligning the body and restoring movement.
classes, courses and support
a collection of classes, courses and programs designed to encourage and support new mothers and parents.