pediatric chiropractor
Why provide chiropractic care for infants and kids?
Giving birth is hard work, but so too being born! It can be rough on that little one getting through the pelvis, especially if any interventions were used like forceps, vacuum, or neck traction. Even a belly birth (caesarean) can put a lot of traction on your baby’s neck. Having your baby assessed after birth is a great way to give them a good start! For your older babies, check ups at large milestones can be scheduled to check for normal development and any other complaints.
Treating babies and children looks a lot different than treating adults. When adjusting babies, only a fingertip of pressure is used in a slow and gradual fashion, lots of stretches, and homework! The treatment is so gentle and safe that most babies sleep through it and can lay on their parent’s stomach during treatment. Working with children is always a pleasure for us. Children can have almost instantaneous results since they don’t have the years of chronic dysfunction like adults.
chiropractic care for pediatrics and beyond
Our team of experienced Chiropractors are committed to helping infants, children and adults feel their best. Every body is unique, and so is their approach to each person’s care. Our team of Chiropractors take their time and listen, providing exceptional individualized care to every person they meet. Their focus is to help you enjoy a healthy, pain-free pregnancy, a better birth, help you recover and thrive in motherhood, and help your entire family, including your little ones, feel their best.
pediatric chiropractic care can be beneficial for:
musculoskeletal pain
latching and feeding support
torticolis/head preferences
tongue and lip tie habilitation
tension from Colic/Reflux/Gas
birth trauma
developmental delays
frequently asked questions
Increase comfort during 3rd trimester and childbirth
Reduce duration of labour and the need for pain medications
Reduce back pain during pregnancy and the likelihood of back labour
Help optimize baby’s position for birth
Help nursing parents become more comfortable during breastfeeding
Reduce the likelihood of postpartum depression
Our chiropractors are trained in what is called the Webster Technique. This technique is classically used during the 7th through 9th month of pregnancy. The Webster Technique is a specific chiropractic analysis and adjustment that reduces interference to the nervous system and balances maternal pelvic muscles and ligaments, which in turn, reduces torsion in the uterus, a cause of intra-uterine constraint of the baby and allows for optimal fetal positioning in preparation for birth. This technique reduces tension in the muscles and ligaments of the pelvis. It uses a combination of gentle adjusting to balance the SI joints and gentle ligamentous trigger point work to allow for more room for the baby to move and better position itself.
Infant/Child Chiropractic Initial Assessment and Treatment (0 to 13 years old) - $140.00
Infant/Child Chiropractic Subsequent Treatment - 15 minutes - $54.00
Child Chiropractic Subsequent Treatment - 30 minutes - $80.00
We are happy to provide direct billing when applicable! If you have any questions about coverage, please check with your insurance provider.

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