Zarine Bharda, Yoga Instructor
Zarine is a clinical aromatherapist, certified holistic health coach, an essential oil educator, registered yoga instructor, mom of 4, auto-mechanical engineer, lover of food, hustler for causes I'm passionate about, and an entrepreneur. In 2019 she decided to completely pivot careers and shift from a 15 year automotive career to follow her purpose and path - to empower women to take control of their own health using natural alternatives, and especially be more mentally empowered throughout pregnancy and beyond.
She then founded The Belly & Beyond, which was created specifically to support women to be empowered in the decisions they make throughout their pregnancies, provide a knowledge sharing environment and community with them, and allow them to know they are supported. I have also been an avid essential oil user since 2014 and draw from all of my experiences and education to share the knowledge I have with others. Essential oils are an integrative part of my holistic health coaching and The Belly & Beyond Community.
Her mantra in life is to lead with light, build with love, and grow with gratitude.